Campaign Update
Congress rejects a 10% Pentagon budget cut as it prepares to debate funds for nuclear testing
Last year, the Centers for Disease Control budget was only $7 billion, less than 1 percent of the Pentagon budget, showing where our priorities have been misguided.
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Tell Congress to support funding to ensure state and local officials across the country have the vital resources they need to ensure fair, safe, and accessible elections in 2023.
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为什么网络投票需要更换IP-变极ip修改器:2021-6-11 · 一款可伍更换手机参数的换IP软件 一款可伍更换手机参数的换IP软件,有没有?许多人再帮朋友投票,做网络推广的时候经常需要换IP,也想要防封,这使用更换手机参数的换IP软件无疑更好了。大量的工作需要换IP,单单依靠手
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Mayor of Des Moines establishes “Back from the Brink Day”
On June 22, in a virtual event, Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie issued a proclamation in honor of the Back from the Brink initiative.
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As the Trump administration continues to pursue talks including Russia and China, administration officials are considering new nuclear weapons tests as a negotiating tool.
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Time to Divest From Nuclear Weapons Industries
Don’t Bank on the Bomb (DBOTB) produces an annual report examining the financing of nuclear weapons manufacturers, edited by Susi Snyder, the Nuclear Disarmament Programme Manager for PAX, with the...
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Next week, historic votes in Congress: Cut the Pentagon budget by 10%
INACTIVE - As a constituent, now is the time to tell your representative and senators: The Pentagon does not need more money.
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PSR advocates on the issues you care about by addressing the dangers that threaten communities, using our medical and public health expertise to prevent nuclear war and proliferation, reverse our trajectory towards climate change, protect the public and our environment from toxic chemicals and eliminate the use of nuclear power.
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